in risalto:
① risultato del test accurato con grande quantità di acqua. La differenza della temperatura dell'acqua della camicia in ciascun test è inferiore a 0,1 K.
② Esame di tenuta ermetica con bomba ad ossigeno, nessun complicato meccanismo di sollevamento o compressori.
③ Capacità di elaborazione dei dati, report statistici e funzione di stampa elevati; Capace di connettersi con la rete e gestione tramite interfaccia RS232.
④ funzioni di diagnostica evolute , auto-protezione, autodiagnosi
⑤ Dati di test autentici, nessuna modifica del software.
possibilità di recupero dei gas tramite valvola dedicata e gorgogliatore tipo keep per successiva analisi di Fluoro, Cloro e Zolfo in cromatografia ionica
Specifiche tecniche di SDACM3200
Analysis Time: 15min-25min
Temperature Resolution : 0.0001K
Precision(RSD) : ≤0.15%
Heat Capacity Stability : ≤0.25% within three months
System Structure : Benchtop
Conformance with Standard ASTM D5865, ISO1928 GB/T213-2008
Test per Hour 2~4
Bomb volume 282ml
Calorimeter Type Isoperibol
Oxygen Filling Semi-automatic
Bomb Washing Manual
Max.Bomb pressure 20Mp
Bomb Identity No
Gas Requirement 99.5% Oxygen
Water Requirement Distilled Water
Energy Measurement Range 0~50000J
Bucket Filling Automatic
Constant Volumetric Tank with Temp Control Device No
Independent Bucket and Jacket Water System No
Stirring Method Blade
Power Inverter NoReproducibility based on analysis of 1g Benzoic Acid 0.15%
Average Temperature Increase 2℃
Temperature Measurement PT1000
Working Temperatures ≦32℃
Cooling method Automatic by water circulation
Network Yes
Power 220V(-15% +10%)50/60Hz
Max.Power 0.5kW
Dimension Main body: 600*417*908
Weight 106kg
Advance Calculation No
Analysis Report Yes
Statistics Report Yes
System Monitor Yes
Analysis Time: 15min-25min
Temperature Resolution : 0.0001K
Precision(RSD) : ≤0.15%
Heat Capacity Stability : ≤0.25% within three months
System Structure : Benchtop
Conformance with Standard ASTM D5865, ISO1928 GB/T213-2008
Test per Hour 2~4
Bomb volume 282ml
Calorimeter Type Isoperibol
Oxygen Filling Semi-automatic
Bomb Washing Manual
Max.Bomb pressure 20Mp
Bomb Identity No
Gas Requirement 99.5% Oxygen
Water Requirement Distilled Water
Energy Measurement Range 0~50000J
Bucket Filling Automatic
Constant Volumetric Tank with Temp Control Device No
Independent Bucket and Jacket Water System No
Stirring Method Blade
Power Inverter NoReproducibility based on analysis of 1g Benzoic Acid 0.15%
Average Temperature Increase 2℃
Temperature Measurement PT1000
Working Temperatures ≦32℃
Cooling method Automatic by water circulation
Network Yes
Power 220V(-15% +10%)50/60Hz
Max.Power 0.5kW
Dimension Main body: 600*417*908
Weight 106kg
Advance Calculation No
Analysis Report Yes
Statistics Report Yes
System Monitor Yes